Peace at Home

You’re not lazy…

You’re overstimulated and overwhelmed!

You struggle to keep your home organized and life in order

You probably get advice from social media creators with perfect homes and very different lifestyles than you

Create strategies and habits that are realistic to your lifestyle and fit your every day organizing needs

Keep reading and I’ll explain, or jump in and…


I want you to take this term and hold onto it for the rest of your life! Put it in the forefront of your mind and take it with you wherever you go. Why? Because it can pertain to every single aspect of your life. Decluttering is key to a less hectic, more peaceful life.

Studies have proven that a cluttered home and mind can cause high levels of stress and anxiety. While this might sound obvious to some, there are many people that feel their anxiety and/or stress is the cause of said clutter, especially if they’ve experience anxiety since childhood. However, if we took a look back into that childhood, chances are there was some kind of clutter in your environment.

Clutter doesn’t have to be tangible. Your brain can be cluttered, your social circle can be cluttered. I would go as far as to argue that anyone that has excess of something or is hanging on to unnecessary things, is experiencing the negative effects of clutter in some way or another. Because of this, decluttering my life has become a huge part of my personal growth journey. And I welcome you, in fact, I encourage you, to do the same!

I don’t expect myself or anyone else to rid of all our unnecessary thoughts, relationships and belongings overnight. So, I’ve come up with simple ways to begin implementing better habits that will result in a more organized lifestyle. With the use of tips + tricks, tools + resources, and lots of guides, I’ve found strategies that work and I’m ready to share them with you!

But first, start by figuring out what kind of Clutterbug you are! This will help you know which tips, tools and resources are right for you and your decluttering journey!

Hear it from the Clutterbug Queen herself!

What type of Clutterbug are you?

Cassandra Aarssen is an organizing expert that has dedicated her time to finding ways to help other families who struggle with disorganization and clutter.

Cass is known for her Clutterbug® Organizing Philosophy and her HGTV show, Hot Mess House on HGTV.

Her Cluttberbug Quiz was the first step I took towards getting my life and home decluttered and organized, adding tips and resources along the way. Now let’s get organized!